St. Thomas Aquinas, founder of Thomism (vide 24 Thomistic Theses), describes in his Sententia Ethic., lib. 6 l. 7 n. 17 [1211.] which subjects and in what order boys must learn (my emphases):
[T]he proper order of learning is that boys first be instructed in things pertaining to logic because logic teaches the method of the whole of philosophy. Next, they should be instructed in mathematics, which does not need experience and does not exceed the imagination. Third, in natural sciences, which, even though not exceeding sense and imagination, nevertheless require experience. Fourth, in the moral sciences, which require experience and a soul free from passions [...]. Fifth, in the sapiential and divine sciences, which exceed imagination and require a sharp mind.Can you believe this? If St. Thomas thinks boys (pueri in the Latin of Sententia Ethic., lib. 6 l. 7 n. 17) should learn these, a fortiori college students must.
Consequently, since we assume familiarity with logic and mathematics, at our first meeting we will begin to study St. Thomas's opusculum ("short work") entitled "De Principiis Naturæ" ("On the Principles of Nature").
Whether you know nothing about St. Thomas's philosophy, love it, or hate it, all are welcome to come learn about it, discuss it, and grapple with it.
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